This PDF document contains a few and engaging 6X9 snakes and ladders game board that uses vocabularies from MCT Standard Chinese 1A (ISBN 9787561963203) Lesson 10.
1. Print the worksheet on A4 or US Letter size paper.
2. Players should form groups of 2-4 and prepare a dice and counters.
3. Each player must place their counter on the bottom left space that reads ‘Start’.
4. Take turns rolling the dice and move the player’s counter forward the number of spaces shown on the dice. Players need to read the Chinese word written in each space to make progress. In case a player fails to read the Chinese word correctly, the player stops on that word until their next turn.
5. If the counter lands at the bottom of a ladder, the player can move up to the top of the ladder.
6. If the counter lands on the head of a snake, the player must slide down to the bottom of the snake.
7. The first player to reach the space that reads End” is declared the winner.
1 pages | 707.6KB .”
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